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ARCHÍV=> Star Trek - New Voyages

Spravuje: John Kelley
Počet příspěvků: 166
Hi. My name is John Kelley and I will be playing Dr. McCoy in New Voyages. I saw that you had a fairly big article on our project and (as I only speak english) was wondering what you guys thought of the trailer. I hope you all can check out the show when it comes out in December. We've had a great time making it. Please feel free to post any questions and I'll do my best to answer. John

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cpt. James Tiberius Kirk - 30. leden 2004 21:14sipka
cpt. James Tiberius Kirk
jo, já u? to tu taky psal. přelo?ení textů si klidně zčásti taky vezmu. a bude mě to bavit, ale John Kelley se nějak dlouho neozval.
PVH - 30. leden 2004 17:41sipka
pokud se?enete dialogy...:)
PVH - 30. leden 2004 17:41sipka
hlásím se dobrovolně k překladu a dabování...
cpt. James Tiberius Kirk - 30. leden 2004 12:44sipka
cpt. James Tiberius Kirk
James Filcin Kirk:Hlavně kdybychom získali anglický scénář, nebo jen dialogy. Pak by se aspoň dalo přelo?it to jako text. Mně by sice stačilo do toho textu jen nahlí?et, ale... Nebo kdyby udělali titulkovou verzi s anglickými titulky...
James Filcin Kirk - 30. leden 2004 11:29sipka
James Filcin Kirk
Kapitán.Spock: Pokud ví? o někom, kdo by byl ochotný to udělat... A pak, najít místo, kde by dabéry při dabování neukamenovali :)
Kapitán.Spock - 29. leden 2004 19:41sipka
Fakt good díl.?koda ?e si mi video jednou za minutu trochu sekne a nevim proč ale jinak fakt dobrý.Co takhle českej dabing:-)
Spock18 - 26. leden 2004 11:56sipka
John Kelley - Thank you for good film.
cpt. James Tiberius Kirk - 18. leden 2004 16:19sipka
cpt. James Tiberius Kirk
Zatím jsem viděl jen teaser, ale zdá se mi to, nebo je tro?ku zvuk ujetý oproti videu (alespoň řeč)? Je to jen prá milisekund,ale znát to asi je.
A moc jim duní můstek:-). Nechci kritizovat, ale spí?e poznamenat postřehy. zrovna tak mi chvílemi kapitán připomíná dost kalifornského guvernéra, ale co... důle?itý je příběh co? zatím posoudit nemů?u...
S.S.Enterprise - 17. leden 2004 15:45sipka
"Come What May" is a good work!

Special efects are excellent.. The only worse take is external form of TurboLift. But I've seen only WMV version so I can not objectively judge the special effects work.

Skript and cast looks really good. The only one absence is "NOT-MOVIE" audio form of speaches of actors. I do not know how movie studios does it but proffesional film/series audio is better.

In case of subtitles: For translating it would be helpfull to release an english version of subtitles.

John Keley:
I am prepare to make "czech"-english version of "Mr. Capek's lines" at any time. :-)
cpt. James Tiberius Kirk - 17. leden 2004 14:51sipka
cpt. James Tiberius Kirk
John Kelley: Would it be hard to make one version with english subtitles? It is sometimes much better to undestand when I can recognize the words.
cpt. James Tiberius Kirk - 17. leden 2004 14:34sipka
cpt. James Tiberius Kirk
I am very pleased that we can watch another voyages of the original crew of the original Enterprise.
I have one question and one idea.
Do I understand well, that 1st and 2nd (maybe some other too) episodes are made from scripts for not made episodes, so it was written many years ago in check of Gene Rodenberry?

And the idea: I think it is very big problem for many czech fans to see the films in english. This is appeal to readers of StarNET, what about making czech subtitles for the film? We could translate the episodes ...
I am not enough good in speaking/writting enlgish, so I will say the rest in czech:
Pokud jste nav?tívili fórum o seriálu Andromeda, tak tam byl návrh (myslím, ?e se tak moc nerozjel, ale také měl jeden velký problém) přelo?it třetí řadu tohoto seriálu.
Zde by to ?lo také. Video není problém stáhnout a snad bychom mohli dostat i scénář v textové podobě pro lep?í pochopení.A třeba by pak mohly být titulky umístěné na Základně Antares, v nejlep?ím případě ne jen jako text k vyti?tění, ale opravdové titulky (nevyznám se v úpravě videa, tak?e nevím, jak to jde do WMV formátu).
Anonym: ave - 17. leden 2004 09:41sipka
It's HERE, and it's good! Really charming. But I can't seriously evaluate it now - first I need to watch it once more. :) Anyway, I afraid WMV format really doesn't do justice to it. Compression factor is ugly. DivX is what we need. What about bittorrenting it?
John Kelley - 15. leden 2004 04:34sipka
John Kelley
Hey Guys - As you probably already know, the first episode of New Voyages will be available in less that three days. You should know that there is a little surprise for you guys in the first episode that was a direct result of the discussion on this board! Just a little thank you for all your support and encouragement. Hope you all enjoy the show and I look forward to your reactions and comments. John Kelley
PVH - 04. leden 2004 19:43sipka
maybe you could write it Niemeczshek...? :)
cpt. James Tiberius Kirk - 02. leden 2004 19:41sipka
cpt. James Tiberius Kirk
Btw. the name "Nemecek" is in english too. But I cant write correct pronunciation ... only that "c" is here the same as in "Capek".
S.S.Enterprise - 01. leden 2004 10:40sipka
PVH: I've had same thinking but didn't write it :-)
PVH - 01. leden 2004 05:12sipka
John Kelly: I know it's only a nitpick, but Czech Republic is in CENTRAL Europe....

Sorry, i couldn't help myself ;)
Otherwise, thank you for placing a czech character into the series :)
S.S.Enterprise - 31. prosinec 2003 13:04sipka
Leian: Vidis, to me nenapadlo .-) Tak to jim to da asi zabrat :-)) Ale je to logicke..
Edington - 31. prosinec 2003 12:43sipka
John Kelley: You use official soundtrack of Star Trek in your New Voyages? That´s pity that you didn´t compose New original music. Because I am composer, I would like to hear fanfilm or fan series with New original music bacause all fans use in his movies a few same CD soundtrack, which has been released :o))
Leian - 31. prosinec 2003 11:33sipka
s.s.enterprise: No já jsem to pochopila právě tak, ?e chtějí sly?et ná? přízvuk (při výslovnosti angličtiny), aby se to pokusili okopírovat, a? bude pan Čapek mluvit. :-)

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