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1) Star Trek => Kelvin timeline - We have lens flares! Join the dark side!

Spravuje: Telemachus Rhade
Počet příspěvků: 3185
Nejčerstvější novinky z Abrams Treku vždy zde

Toto fórum je určeno pro spoilerové informace o Star Treku (no dejme tomu) s pořadovými čísly:
XIV, 14 a 4 (kde ovšem zase nebude určitě ani ta dvojtečka)
...a diskusi o nich.

Patří sem v první řadě veškeré informace k ději, které nebyly oficiálně zveřejněny - tj. scénář, nástiny děje, fotografie z natáčení, dále fotografie kulis, rekvizit a kostýmů a všechny ostatní spoilery.

Pokud se chcete vyhnout spoilerům, pro klid duše můžete moderátora požádat o BAN přístupu do tohoto fóra. Ten Vám ho rád udělí.

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Vyslanec - 10. listopad 2008 09:19sipka
Yakuzza - 10. listopad 2008 09:10sipka
S.S.Enterprise - 10. listopad 2008 01:06sipka
Vyslanec - 09. listopad 2008 10:35sipka
Popis traileru:

Hey there, long time Paramount employee here. They showed the new trailer for JJ Abrams Star Trek yesterday over at the Paramount theatre. It ran every 15 minutes and all employees were encouraged to go see it. Thought you'd like a little info.

The trailer starts by showing a mid-60's Corvette convertible tearing across the country side. After a few seconds we see a long shot that shows a policeman in hot pursuit. Another long shot shows the Vette screaming at full speed toward a steep cliff. A slo-mo shot shows the driver leaping from the car at the last second and tumbling ass over teakettle toward the edge of the cliff itself. The driver is a young boy who looks about 13 or 14. He manages to grab a hold at the last second and hang on as a birds eye shot show the antique Vette fall away into an abyss.

We see the boy get up and dust himself off and the camera cuts away to show a troopers boot come down close-up. The black leather boot is obviously the policeman's who was chasing the car but it looks suspiciously "different." Just different enough to let the audience know this isn't a normal policeman. The shot then cuts to where we can see the policeman standing in front of the boy with his "bike" hovering in mid air a few feet beside him. He shouts at the boy, "Who are you?" or "What's your name?" and the boy shouts back defiantly, "James Tiberius Kirk!"

We're then treated to another long shot showing an older boy riding a hover bike similar to the one the policeman was shown riding a moment or two before thru the country side . We hear a voice over of an older man, presumable Kirk's father saying, "You never found yourself here, you never really fit in." The voice continues as the bike rider pulls up and stops and looks off into the distance, "What you choose to do with you're life is up to you." We see the boy starring at a huge futuristic structure (Star Fleet headquarters?) as the voice over continues, "Maybe you were meant for something different, something....bigger."

It then cuts to scene of an obvious Vulcan woman holding a baby. Again we hear a voice over of the woman saying, "You will always be a part of two worlds." as we cut to a toddler Spock walking in a Vulcan robe. The boy has the Beatles hair cut and pointed ears we associate with Vulcan's throughout Star Trek history. We then see a bunch a quick shots of the crew walking around the bridge of some starship and we see a 20-something Spock angrily pointing at a 20-something Kirk and saying, "I will not be lectured by you!" and an angry Kirk getting in Spocks face saying, "Why don't you do something about it!?!" We then see an enraged Spock trying to stab Kirk with something pointed I couldn't quite make out. It was a quick shot and Kirk is shown using both hands to fend off Spock and hold the object away from his face.

Several quick cuts are shown of space ships firing at one another and people being thrown about the bridge of whatever ship they're suppose to be in. We see crew members running down bright white corridors as another voice over with a Scottish accent says, "I'm having fun!" We then see a close-up of what had to be a young(er) Dr. McCoy with about a weeks worth of black stubble on his face and his arms crossed in that oh so familiar Bones manner saying angrily, "Space isn't suppose to be fun, it's aliens and phasers and death!" We also see a woman in silhouette (Uhura?) pulling off her top and scenes of the crew running to man their battle stations on a bridge.

We then see a bunch of battle shots of space ships being hit by phaser fire and pieces being blown off of them while engine nacels explode before it all ends with the familar Star Fleet logo against a black background and we hear the familar Star Trek opening cords played over it and the release date appears underneath.

I can't vouch for every line of dialog I quoted as being 100% accurate, the cuts were very quick and I only sat through the trailer once but that's the basics. The colors of the corridors and the uniforms was very bright, everything had a "new" appearance. No doubt some of the shots were meant to represent Star Fleet academy training exercises and not real life combat scenes though again, it all went by pretty quick.

If you use this just call me Jack the Tipper.

Dal?í zdroj to potvrzuje.
P_E_T - 30. říjen 2008 17:30sipka
A? ty Vulkance dělaj sakra zeleněj?í...
Vyslanec - 29. říjen 2008 22:52sipka
Zas má ten kluk pravdu...
Deus - 29. říjen 2008 20:57sipka
Premiéra je a? 14. listopadu. V USA. Jinde ten trailer asi nepobě?í.
Vyslanec - 29. říjen 2008 20:45sipka
Hádám, ?e u? dneska v noci by mohl na net leaknout CAM trailer, uvedený před Quantum of Solace. A pokud jsou v Paramountu soudní, co nejdřív uvolní i oficiální verzi.
AVip - 18. říjen 2008 17:41sipka
Asi bude na úpěchu celého filmu - pokud uspěje, mo?ná se stane základem pro reboot.
Pokud ne, tak se prostě "přilepí" do balíku jako dal?í ST v řadě.
Kontinuita za těch 40+ let u? pře?ila hor?í karamboly.
Pozemstan - 18. říjen 2008 16:21sipka
Mvek: Aby to mohli udělat i celému ST světu, vymazat ho z "oficiálních dějin"? -)
Mvek - 18. říjen 2008 16:12sipka
Vzhledem k tomu, co těm postavám a interi=ru udělali, bych se tě?il, kdyby to byl restart.
Telemachus Rhade - 18. říjen 2008 15:53sipka
Telemachus Rhade
Vyslanec: A já myslím, ?e ne. Z TNG doby tam bude pouze Nero a starý Spock - pochybuju, ?e uvidíme cokoli z Impéria nebo Federace. O remake/restart mu?e jít i tak. Pokud tam nebude vylo?ené vizuální konfirmační pojítko tak prostě jen přiletí z budoucnosti. Netě? se na to zase tolik :)
Mvek - 18. říjen 2008 14:10sipka
Ano, to pořád tvrdí.
Vyslanec - 18. říjen 2008 13:35sipka
TelemachusRhade: Pointa je v tom, ?e ten film přímo spojí TOS a TNG, čili ?ádné popření existujících sérií.
Mirak - 18. říjen 2008 10:57sipka
Vyslanec: Moc pěkné!
Telemachus Rhade - 18. říjen 2008 10:49sipka
Telemachus Rhade
To o Nerovi je dlouho znama zalezitost, ale na ten komix se tesim.
Vyslanec - 18. říjen 2008 08:34sipka
Začíná být zřejmé, proč se tým kolem ST XI zdráhá označit nový film za reboot nebo čistokrevný prequel. Nero toti? pochází z doby po Nemesis. Jeho příběh odvypráví chystaný čtyřdílný komiks, který začne vycházet v lednu 2009. Jsem nad?ený!
Mvek - 17. říjen 2008 16:41sipka
Má nízké čelo imho.
Lt.Shark - 17. říjen 2008 15:44sipka
tady je to takovej ba?ant Spock, ale na tý, kde dr?í Kirka pod krkem to je prostě jasnej Syler.
Lt.Shark - 17. říjen 2008 15:43sipka
je to figurína do londýnského muzea voskových figurín. Prý bude mít čestné místo hned vedle britské královny zleva a Davida Beckhama zprava.

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